Everyone Needs a Sister

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I figured today’s post should be as special (or at least as thoughtful) as today is in my life… and dedicated to the person who was born so many years ago today. Today is my little sister’s birthday and I cannot wait to be home to spend it with her (1 more day!!!).

There is one thing I know in life is that God made little sisters to be your best friend. You may have your differences and they may make you want to pull out your hair sometimes (or they might do it for you *ahem* thanks Kenz) but in the end what would you do without them?

Sisters are there for random coffee dates and singing along to the Jonas Brothers in the car. They are there to steal clothes out of your closet and tell you when your outfit looks good (and definitely tell you when it doesn’t work, even if you won’t listen to their advice). They are there to help you with your hair when you can’t reach the back to straighten it.

They are there for all of the moments. There to talk on the phone (and cry on the phone) with you. Sisters will be there to sit on your bed and talk about all of your adventures. They will cheers to the good and laugh when you laugh (and when you trip on the sidewalk crack).

Sisters are there for saving the memories with pictures… and offering to edit them too. They are there when you want to recreate a picture cause it didn’t go well the first time (thanks for acting surprised again for that snapchat). They understand when you complain and will be supporting you even if your opinion might be wrong.

They are there for beach trips and antique shopping. They are your biggest fan and also your best competition. They are willing to try new things with you. They are down for late night food runs.

Sisters are there to be your best friend. They have seen all the good and the bad yet still love you with their whole heart. And you love them just the same. I do not know what I would do without my sister. I cannot believe how big she has gotten and I’m really glad Mom and Dad didn’t take her back to the hospital like I suggested. I love you lots Kenz and am so proud of the woman you have become! Happy birthday!

xoxo Morgan


  1. val · May 3, 2017

    Love the wonderful tribute to your sister and I am so glad that your parents did not take her back to the hospital too!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beth aka mom · May 3, 2017

    Actually I think you suggested that we give her to mom mom Hudson…haha

    Liked by 1 person

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